Instagram influencers holding OLIPOP Cans

2 min read

New Kind of Love

Posted Jan 26, 2023 Updated Apr 15, 2024

The New Year is a time when most people hit the proverbial “reset button.” Because OLIPOP is all about loving and caring for oneself and others, we want to encourage everyone to listen to their hearts this New Year instead of picking resolutions dictated by society.

We looked for people who are already doing that to lead by example. Ultimately, we partnered with Bailey, @baileysbookhouse, James, @jamesro__, and Will Edmond, @willedmond and here’s what they have to say about following their passions and self love.

Bailey’s Book House

Instagram Influencer Bailey reading a book next to Strawberry Vanilla OLIPOP

1. What made you truly start finding your passions?

I think I truly started to find my passions after college once my life started to slow down and have less structure. I craved normalcy and something to tether me to my identity. I have always loved books since I was super little; I have my mom to thank for that! But finding the time to sit down and crack open a book was proving to be difficult as a student. Once I was in my 20s and had more free time and a less rigorous schedule, I started to re-discover my love for reading. And since then, I haven’t stopped! I read for pleasure. I read to escape. I read to find myself.

2. How do you show yourself love?

I like to show myself love by slowing down and allowing myself to enjoy my passions. Those include reading, gaming, pilates, and music; reading is my main love. I also show myself love through self-care: face masks, long “everything” showers, getting a manicure, moving my body/exercising, and eating/drinking things that are both yummy and good for me!


Instagram Influencer James holding a can of Cherry Cola OLIPOP

1. What made you truly start finding your passions?

I discovered my passions when I realized “passion” is far greater than a simple career choice. It actually encompasses you as a complete person - your preferences, your likes, your vision. In the end, it’s all what you’re willing to fight for. For me, that passion manifested itself as simple love & motivation for others. Running just happened to be the perfect vehicle that allowed me to fully exercise that discovery.

2. How do you show yourself love?

I show myself love by holding the utmost standards of authenticity. Whether I succeed or fail immensely, I want to be able to look back and say I stayed true to my values. It’s through this genuine endeavor in which I experience self-love and acceptance.


Instagram Influencer Will holding a can of Vintage Cola OLIPOP

1. What made you truly start finding your passions?

I truly found my passion when I started to tell myself to believe more, imagine that I’m already in the place I want to be in the future, and never give up.

2. How do you show yourself love?

I’ve always believed self love is the very first romance. I show myself love by treating myself to experiences and things that will always make me happy such as vegan chocolate, a random New Year trip through Canada just to see the snow via train, or flying to New Zealand for 2-weeks just to bathe in the hot springs, eat some of the best vegan curry, and catch a TLC concert afterwards. Live life everyday and smile more is my motto!

Cheat Sheet
  • Don’t fall for the “New Year, New You” New Years jam; instead, follow your heart this year.
  • Take a page out of Bailey, James and William’s book who currently are following their passions
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