"Trust Your Gut” Meditation Series

5 min read

"Trust Your Gut” Meditation Series

Posted Jun 14, 2022 Updated Mar 04, 2024

For Mental Health Awareness month, we ran a "Trust Your Gut" meditation series on our IG Live every Monday in May. If you missed out on these incredible sessions, we have collected them in one place below!

What's Mental Health Awareness Month?

Millions of Americans deal with mental health issues every day. Therefore, the National Association for Mental Health (Mental Health America) initiated Mental Health Awareness Month in 1949. Each year in May, MHA, its affiliates, and other mental health organizations hold various activities centered on a new theme to raise awareness about mental health.

Why Meditation?

Meditation helps regulate the stress response and allows the gut and brain to communicate positively to support a healthy gut. You can learn more about the positive effects meditation has on the mind (and body!) here.

Connecting To Your Gut Feeling

Emotional Clearing & Building Trust With Your Gut Feeling

Asking Questions & Receiving Answers From Your Gut Feeling

Exploring the Sensory World From the Lens of Your Gut Feeling

Cheat Sheet
  • Millions of Americans deal with mental health issues every day
  • Meditation helps regulate the stress response and allows the gut and brain to communicate positively to support a healthy gut
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