OLIPOP vs Pepsi vs Coke

5 min read

Ditch the Zero: OLIPOP Makes Zero Compromises

Posted Sep 22, 2021 Updated Apr 15, 2024

Sometimes, less is just less. And when it comes to big sodas, zero health benefits just aren't enough. That's why we created an entire campaign around the concept that consumers need more than zero. You deserve a product with benefits. Here's what you need to know about our zero-compromise campaign!

What Is OLIPOP Zero Compromise?

During the pandemic, "zero" soda dominated the market (and still does!). More and more consumers continue to look for the familiar flavors and tastes they know and love but with a caveat: they don't want the negative health implications. Instead, consumers want something that doesn't have the ridiculous amounts of sugar soda often has.

In acknowledgment of the rising consumer interest, PepsiCo designed a campaign to capitalize on that momentum. Their commercial targeted men who feel they're compromising on things at home and work throughout the pandemic to the benefit of others. The ad shows Pepsi Zero Sugar pouring into a glass and closes with the tagline “You’ve compromised enough. Pepsi Zero Sugar.”

As a soda company, we admired the campaign visually. We appreciate the beauty of a soda pouring into a glass and the voice-over enticing us. However, as a functional soda brand, we found the campaign misleading. Thus, we set out to prove that consuming soda with no nutritional value or benefits is a significant compromise. To prove it, we created our own Zero compromise campaign and ad. Take a look:


Our rebuttal ad is similar to the Pepsi Zero Sugar spots in style and nature, but deviates in language. In the ad, our Vintage Cola pours into a glass as a narrator reads, "Zero sugar. Zero fiber. Zero health benefits whatsoever?" The camera then cuts to an OLIPOP can with the voiceover continuing about our digestive health benefits and, "Delicious soda that's actually good for you. Anything else is a compromise."

Our goal with the ad and our rebuttal campaign is to promote product awareness by taking a strong stance against Pepsi. We wanted to break into the arena of legacy soda and prove we have the backing to compete with legacy brands.

Zero Compromise: Pepsi Zero vs. OLIPOP

So, what makes our soda the true zero compromise? It's simple: the health benefits. Pepsi Zero is a zero-calorie, zero-sugar, cola sweetened with aspartame and acesulfame K. Packed with artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives, Pepsi Zero has nothing in its ingredients that are good for you.

On the other hand, our OLIPOP flavors are the culmination of over fifteen years of research and formulation experience. Our functional formula combines up-to-date microbiome and digestive health science vetted and studied by the top researchers in the world and proven effective in clinical studies by the leading researchers in the world. Results from our in-vitro studies, conducted with Purdue and Baylor College of Medicine, showcase OLIPOP's ability to increase diversity, promote good bacteria, and facilitate short-chain fatty acid production in the microbiome.

Sweetened with natural ingredients like cassava syrup, fruit, and stevia extract, our sodas contribute a whopping nine grams of fiber in every can. If soda drinkers swapped out the zero-benefits stuff for a can of OLIPOP each time, they'd add 7 pounds of fiber to their diet in just one year. We'd drink to that!

Cheat Sheet
  • When it comes to big sodas, zero health benefits just aren't enough.
  • OLIPOP Vintage Cola (and all of our flavors) are the culmination of over fifteen years of research and formulation experience.
  • If soda drinkers swapped out the zero benefits stuff for a can of OLIPOP each time, they'd add 7 pounds of fiber to their diet over the course of just one year.
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